Monday, February 28, 2011

As this supposed loving, cold month comes to an end, it is time to reflect..

I've spent most of today taking advantage of some much needed, alcohol induced sleep. I usually tend not to go in to too much detail, or even mention how a show went after it is finished. My mindstate is usually preoccupied, and I'm pretty much on a 'keep it going' mentality. Rarely do I do thank you's or mentions, but I figure this time maybe try something different, seeing as this day happened to be the last of this month.
I had been working on this show, in some shape of form, for a great amount of time. Maybe four or five months? The time or effort required for a show like this, is really something I consider minor, especially when getting the opportunity to see, and spend time with CESCHI. I could easily say, without any doubt, that this man is one of my favorite people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Even though his music is incredibly inspiring, to say the least, it's the way this man carries himself, unlike a vast amount of people I've ever met, that might call themselves professionals. There's a reason why he is loved so much. This might sound a little excessive, but I really could care less, because anyone that meets him automatically gets a similiar impression of him. I'm almost positive about that. He's always been nice, understanding, easy going, attentive, thorough, and personal, which are just a few of his qualities that come to mind. I wouldn't be surprised at the number of friends he has like me, surrounding the country, because he's that great of a human.
Anyway, we had been working to get a super show formed, comprised of two tours, but that fell apart. This came as a delightful surprise later, as it would give me the opportunity to not only still see both tours, but perform on both of them as well. The first being the DarkTime Sunshine show with Busdriver, which out of nowhere became my first real solo show. I was kind of going into it as an experience to use to work out the kinks, if you will. Basically like a test run. But then it became a bigger show with Busdriver and DarkTime quickly getting added to the bill, which easily upped the ante and expectations. Did it make me nervous? Well, I guess a little bit, but nervousness now only occurs at the rare times when something goes wrong, or unforeseen circumstances make something a lot more difficult and problem filled. I don't get nervous much now going into shows, regardless of their size or attendance. That show actually turned out very ill. Had a lot of fun, my set went pretty dope, thanks a good amount to my brother VYRIZ getting my back on a last minute addition. He definitely made it less difficult. I think I only counted an amount of two or three errors, one of which would of hardly been noticed. Also, seeing DarkTime Sunshine perform is always awe inspiring. ONRY OZZBORN does a great job of riding a beat, to some of the widely respected and treasured production of the God ALEX ZAVALA. ZAVALA is another great man. If you haven't still listened to their album "VESSEL", which I considered easily the best of last year(Maybe might be added to my top ten list of all time) I can only implore you to do so, as it is truly astounding.
The LandMark tour last night had a few hitches. I was somewhat angry at the DJ PHOENIX ORION for arriving pretty late, but as time would pass, and discussions with him ensued, the lateness was of little importance as I could only count three or two people who were really bothered by the delay. It was good to chop it up with him. He seems like a cool dude with a wide reputuation, although perhaps he might want to work on his punctuality, har har. The second problem was one that caused me much grief. Before CESCHI went on, he asked me where the mic stand was. So, I searched, asked others, had them help me search all the crevices of this two story club, to no avail. What the fuck? How does a venue not have a mic stand? What was CESCHI going to have to play the guitar and telepathically float the mic in front of his mouth? That wouldn't have surprised me by the way. Having to tell him there wasn't one sucked Tom Selleck's ballsack. He didn't get angry, but I could tell he was a bit annoyed. In the end, this girl Misty held it for him, and his show was brilliant as it usually is. FACTOR does a great job of being FACTOR. Better than anyone, actually. He's a gifted beatmaker, drink taker and DJ. AWOL did a great, long set. We've performed with him at least a couple times, though. How did our set go? I personally feel it was one of out best. I can't recall a hiccup, except for a verse switch that I had decided, that I'm sure no one noticed anyways, except for the two dead guys beside me on stage. We had an ultra smooth segway intro to the Tales From The Crypt theme, a classical ending piece, and to top it off, I finished with finally doing a full version of my solo track "LETHAL LIQUID", with family DONNIE MENACE and HASSAN. Damn, that was fun! I didn't do enough physically, if I didn't sweat a good amount, which I did. It was also enjoyable to chop it up with PHIL A, DEVASTATE and EVERS MCGEE. Good people, for the most part.. Zing! One of the most enjoyable things about a good performance, is the following diner or restaurant discussion and/or debauchery with friends. I acted a fool with napkins, condiments, and water, not to mention the loud vulgar expressions flung about into the air for all the other patrons to take discomfort in.
On a side note, dealing in this business you learn early on not to depend or rely on almost anyone. Only a few you will trust, and even fewer depend on. Especially the people that tell you their coming to your show, and never do. It's not like it's a necessity that friends be there at your show, but when they go out of their way to make it understood that they are, and then nothing, it becomes tired very, very quick. If I had a nickle for every time... Well, you get the gist. As a performer, you have to just shake it off, because it's going to happen every time.
All and all, even though I kind of took a loss on the money side, it seemed that most people enjoyed everything, had a great time and went home happy.. Which is what it's about, right? Needless to say, I always appreciate everyone who makes an effort to come out to our shows, because unlike other people with significant others and families, all I have is this. I put everything I have left into it, get into trouble at work because of it, and don't get to do as much as I want because of this. We've improved to the point that it's only a matter of time before we can read the audiences, as well as our minds, and then sequentially rip the brains from their skulls and eat them as a delightful encore. We might even do that for our next show on the twentieth of March, with The SHAPESHIFTERS.
So, like I said, I appreciate and remember everyone who has helped us or showed up, and promise you many more goodies in store. I also appreciate you reading this. There will be a quiz following it, and maybe some late night sex. Sticky sex. So until next time, you greased up freaks.... Much Love.


Friday, February 18, 2011

I call myself "CAStLE", and this is why..........

Everyone has a nickname. Even the most unknown and unpopular of hermits has had a nickname or something they were referred to as, regardless of whether they knew of it or not. A vast many people call themselves something for an even more endless amount of reasons. Why am I CAStLE? Well....

The story of how the name stuck and became somewhat official for me, was pretty simple. I had already had a slew of nicknames. Some of them complimentary, most of them goofy. I was always a fan of FRANK CASTLE aka; The Punisher in comic books and the like. There was a group of older friends starting a close knit type of group called "Echo Side", that I was not only to be a member of, but also a 'Don' as they so commonly referred to as a boss, of sorts. There was 4 of these including me, in which they were making a special adjustment to allow me this title. Anyways, long story short, I went through a small amount of fraternity type challenges. Honestly, looking back, some of it I hated at the moment, but would come to love it later, because the memory is so original and vivid to me still. So, I succeeded, I was now CAStLE.

The thing about this name is it is NOT original in any aspect. To this date, I've seen like 4 other fools calling themselves Castle, almost all for the same reason. They also like The Punisher. Congratulations fellas, you're a one-of-a-kind. However, the reasons in which I call myself CAStLE, which are the reasons I relate to the character, are personal to me.

Frank Castle the Punisher is an Italian(Yeah, that's right, original name Frank Castiglione. Look it up.)vigilante who has had his family taken from him. Perhaps you've seen at least one of the three movies. He's an outcast who keeps to himself. A miscreant. A loner. An outsider. Also, more importantly, a pessimist. It's rarely covered in anything, but one of the things that makes him so admirable, to me anyway, is that he wants to die. Yet, every fight or endeavor he jumps into, that's the one thing that usually saves him. He expects to die, expects the worse to happen, but it never comes. Anyone who knows me, knows I practically live my life by that notion. My pessimistic ways always look down and expect the worst, so that hopefully I become wrong, and I'm pleasantly surprised. This is my motto. Whats the worst that could happen? I expect the negative to happen, it does, and then at least I was right and perhaps have prepared. However, if I'm wrong and something does go my way, I'm delightfully surprised, and a weight has been lifted. Does the latter happen much? Sadly, no. Some might claim my attitude might bring this outcome about. Well, to that all I can say is, I don't want bad things to happen, I just expect them with my track record and am too familiar with my own luck, if you will. I made a whole record in which the point of it was to be the opposite, and have a positive outlook. Has it worked at all? Maybe more on that some other time.

So, taking in to account all the factors- I don't have much of a family in my life, I'm pretty much a loner who stays to himself and doesn't say much, I'm Italian, and the fact that I don't expect much and am pessimist, makes it easy to sympathize with Mr.Castle. Almost everyone else probably solely likes the guy for the skull on his chest and blazing guns. How long will I go with this nickname, if it is that? Will it last? Should I ever change it? The only thing I could say to these questions is that I know whats reasonable, and I know what I'm familiar with. Only time will tell.. Or maybe time won't. I wouldn't be surprised.

CAStLE aka
Mike Interrante